Зворотний зв'язок

Практика перекладу: Механізм фінансування окремих робіт

The Working Group developed a draft Memoran¬dum, a draft Decision about the PC, a draft Regu¬lations of the PC, a draft Scheme of the PC's func¬tioning, and some other legal acts. Later they were submitted for approval in accordance to the agreed times-schedule and following the obliga¬tory procedure for passing the legal acts, deter¬mined by the Law of Ukraine «On main princi¬ples of regulatory policy in sphere of business ac¬tivity». The Working Group acted according to the work plan, developed at its first meetings.Having compared the information received by the survey of the permit procedure in the Project tar¬get raions with information directly received from the permits issuing institutions, the Working Gro¬up designed principal schemes of issuing of per¬mits. Possible options for simplification of the present schemes in terms of time costs, responsi¬bilities duplication etc. were elaborated at the me¬etings of expanded Working Group. In accor¬dance with the new and improved schemes the Scheme of functioning of the PC is being con¬stantly improved. Representatives of permit issu¬ing institutions, employees of the information-consulting sector from the personnel of the City Executive Committee and the director form the structure of the Permit Centre. The Scheme of functioning of the PC foresees the following se¬quence of operations of the information-consult¬ing sectors employees, authorized representatives of permit institutions and businesses.

For receiving documents for permitting of any type of business activity a businessman applies to the information-consulting sector, where he is provided with comprehensive information about the documents needed and steps to be done by the businessman to get the needed permits. At that, the businessman is provided with the principal scheme of the order of getting visas, an order of examining a question about issuing a permit or approval. Besides that, the applicant receives information about the permit institution that makes the final decision about the permit. The information-consulting sector works every day, and representatives of permits issuing institutions are present in the PC two days a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Having received the consultation, the business¬man can present themselves to the relevant insti¬tution representative and give him/her the pack¬age (file-folder) with all the necessary documen¬tation. The institutional representative will the prepare a receipt about the received documents, the date of reception, the date of the results con¬sideration distribution, and also his/her contact data as the authorized person.

The representative of the body providing a permit will ensure the document's passage through the institutions as follows:

1. On the businessman's folder with documents the checking- list is attached, where the order and terms of the documents consideration are indicated. Further he transfers the folder to the first executor;

2.The first executor, having coordinated the doc¬-

uments according to his/her official duties,

transfers to the next executor. If necessary, into

the folder with documents the appropriate cer-¬

tificates, conclusions and other documents are

applied by the executors, and in case of the

non-agreement - the written conclusion has to

be provided. Each executor in the checking list

fixes the reception term of the documents and

their transfer to the next executor;

3.After the materials consideration through all

institutions, the folder returns to the Dominant

institution representative.

After the specified period the businessman will return for the results and they may be as follows:

•All institutions have given positive conclu-¬

sions and the applicant is approved;


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