Практика перекладу: Механізм фінансування окремих робіт
tive power;
•Unclear and non-transparent stages of the
permit procedures;
•An indefinite number of organizations invol¬-
ved in permit issuing process, time and mo-¬
ney expenditures, documents needed and re-¬
quirements for their issuance.
By means of analysis of the results of a Question¬naire among heads of permit institutions in raions and towns in the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, the abo-
ve given list of problems was extended with the regional level problems, as follows:
•Low competence of permit institutions' em-¬
ployees in raions and small towns in terms of
familiarity with the legal basis to exercise
permit procedures;
•Difference of permit procedures exercised by
the same permit institution but at diverse ter-¬
ritorial sub-branches;
•Unsatisfactory registration of issued permits
(lack of statistical data);
•Lack of data about appeals against negative
decisions of permit institutions.
The main task is to improve, simplify and opti¬mize the current practice of permitting businesses in Ivano-Frankivsk town in the framework of cur¬rent legislation and in terms of reduction of time costs, document requirements and money costs. This has the aim of developing and implementing an improved scheme for realization of permit pro¬cedures, which will enable the simplification of the system of issuance permits for businesses in Ivano-Frankivsk town. This will require:
•Creation of sustainable political preconditi-¬
ons for the development of entrepreneurship
and new job creation;
•Initiation of proposals to be entered into the