Англійські неологізми
A new vocabulary which is correlated with economic life makes most sociofunctional group of innovation of the last decades (in a previous period other spheres of social life went out on the first plan). Neologisms of economy sphere and business represent the radical changes which are connected with the circulation and realization of economic theories, with transition of many countries to the market economy, with the improvement of management by an economy and its separate links, with introduction of modern informative technique.
Round concepts which are correlated with these processes and phenomena, there is most concentration of a new vocabulary and phraseology. The role of economic sphere in the supply of innovation in a language becomes more noticeable, in enrichment of phraseology fund. It testifies about growth of influence of factors, connected with economic basis of society.
Neologisms of social and political sphere show two sides of the civilized progress of humanity - integrational and differential processes, political and public motions, testify about growth of influence on the innovative processes of such factors, as sex, age, social status, valuable orientations of transmitters of English. As a result of growth of influence of the noted factors all anymore the political pragmalinguistic parameter of "political correctness" determinates not only political but also other discussion. The necessity of the change of reference points of the civilized development entailed not only the explosion of ecological neologisms but also forming of highly productive resources of lexical and semantic derevation, lexico-sementical and phraseology paradigms.Sharpening of the problem of criminality, terrorism, drug addictions and fight against these negative phenomena find the reflection in the considerable amount of innovations, in the origin and fixing after the ''criminal sphere" of whole row of word building elements, in creation of wide synonymous rows round the defined notions. Growths of delinquency and drug addiction rates entailed growth of scales of penetration in the "standard" language of words and combinations of words from the jargon criminal world of drug addicts.
Important role in society of mass media, predetermines that fact, that exactly "media" is the sphere of "primitive context", by the main channel of spreading of neologisms, which are the product of word building of state, political, public figures, journalists, writers, scientists.
Considerable influence on dictionary composition of the English language, on development of its lexico-semantical system corrected informative revolution. The explosion of computer neologisms causes action of mechanisms of semantic changes necessary for fixing of existent units after new reviewers. Expansion of the special vocabulary related to the informative technique in a common language is also accompanied by semantic changes and modifications. The consequences of semantic processes and changes find the embodiment in new linguistic phenomena which all anymore pierce the system, influence on existent semantic subsystems and semantic group of the vocabulary.
The whole row of lexical units is fastened on the concepts related to the modern informative technique by the all semantic structure or separate lexico-semantical variants. These units not only become keywords but also grow into the centers of word- and creation of phrases, enter as dominant elements in the ramified new lexico-semantical paradigms.
Actuality of processes and phenomena of modern stage of scientific and technical progress predetermines aspiration to remove these processes and phenomena by variation and nominative facilities, as a result is observed attraction synonyms to the proper concepts. Informative revolution caused both the phenomenon of polynomination of its important concepts and stipulated the necessity of more clear differentiation of the defined "cybernetic" notions by retronyms, that the phenomenon "differentiating renomination".
Computerizing made substantial alterations in the word building system, generated the whole row of new productive derevative elements entailed moving of whole row of prefixes and suffixes (together with moving of whole layers of vocabulary) from periphery of the system, where they served only ("languages for the special aims") to the kernel, to national language, wearing away the same border between a kernel and periphery of language.
A new vocabulary and phraseology which arose up in connection with informative revolution pierces now almost all spheres of social life, it removes both the numerous blessings and benefits and new social problems, negative consequences of modern stage of scientific and technical progress.
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