Англійські неологізми
The Delphi Interface
The system of visual object-oriented programming Delphi is intended for working out the additions of the operating system Windows. The VCL (Visual Component Library) library, which contains components for construction of interface of additions, and also structures for saving and working of information is included into Delphi.
The interface of the Delphi programming environment consists of several windows. The main window which contains menus and tool bars is located above. The panel which contains the library of components is called the palette of components. It consists of a few insets on which components are grouped according to their functional sign. The window of inspector of objects is disposed on the left. In its overhead part there is a list, that opens up and contains the list of components which are in the complement of application. For a select object its properties (Properties) and events (Events) which he can react on are represented on two insets. With the help of the inspector of objects properties and procedures of objects, that work over events related to this object are set. Basic part of the screen is occupied by the purveyance of form, that is the window of a future application. A form is intended for placing components. Under the form there is the window of editor of code in which the program text is written.
The creation of the program in Delphi
The process of creation of the Windows addition by Delphi consists of two basic stages: visual planning, that is the creation of outside type of application, and determination of its conduct by writing the procedures of working over events.
The visual planning consists in placing component on a form and determination of their properties with the help of the inspector of objects. The simplest method of placing the component is a double clicking by the mouse button on the proper sign on the palette of components, here the component takes place in the center of the form. Then it is possible to change its place and size by a mouse. The inspector of objects represents the properties of presently chosen components. Grant of values to properties of the component or their change is carried out in the inspector of objects by the choice from the list of possible values or by taking out of the necessary meaning from the keyboard. If next to the property there is a sign +, it means that this property is an object which contains other properties, for access to them it is needed to click on a sign +.
For determination of the conduct of the program the events, which are on the inset of the Events inspector of objects are used. The template of procedure for working over the event is caused by the double clicking on the field, located on the left from the title of the proper event. For each component the set of events which it can react on is certain. The following events are used more often:
OnActivate - at getting the object of focus of input;
OnClick, OnDblClic - at the single and double clicking by the mouse button;
OnClose - at closing the form;
OnCreate - at creation the form;
OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp - at pressure and setting of the keys free;
OnKeyPress - at pressure of the aplhabet-numeral key;
OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp - at pressure and setting of the mouse button free;
OnMouseMove - at moving the mouse;
OnPaint - at redrawing the form;
OnShow - comes each time when the property of the Visible object gets the True meaning.
Components of the NeoLog programAt the creating of the Neolog program the following components were used:
MainMenu - for the creating of the main menu of the program, with the help of which the choice of various actions is carried out;
DataSource, Table - for providing of communication with the files of database;
Label - for the reflection of comments on a form;