Англійські неологізми
DBGrid - for the reflection and editing of records of database in a tabular form;
DBMemo - for introduction, reflection and editing meanings of the fields of database, which have the Memo type;
DBNavigator is implementation of actions above the records of database;
DBEdit - for introduction, reflection and editing the meaning of the fields of database, which have the letter type;
DBLookupComboBox - for introduction data information to the field of database by the choice from present variants and reflection of meanings of the fields of database;
StatusBar - for the reflection of common amount of records in a database and number of current record;
Panel - for the groupment of objects with the purpose of simplification of their management;
Edit - for introduction of the sought data;
Button - for the call of event connected with the working over the database;
GroupBox - for the groupment of objects under the name and creation of comfortable interface;
Memo - for the reflection and text editing;
SaveDialog - for organization of dialog of saving the text in a file;
OpenDialog - for organization of reading the text from a file.
Procedures were also written on working over the events that arose at the choice of commands from the main menu and clicking by the mouse button on the Button components.
Use of databases in Delphi
Four files of database are used in the NeoLog program. The structure of all files of database is created by the Database Desktop program which is in the system of the Delphi programming and is started by the Delphi (Tolls/Database Desktop) menu directly, or by the Windows menu (Start/All programs/Borland Delphi/ Database Desktop). The files of databases are created in the Paradox 7 format.
For providing of the subsequent connection of the tables of databases with the components of the program before formation of structure of database Alias (pseudonym for way in to the files of database) is created. For this purpose in the Database Desktop environment the option Alias Manager is chosen from the menu. In the window that is opened New is taken, in the field of Database alias the title is put in, by the Browse button the manager of files is caused and the necessary folder is found. After pressure of the button Ok the way to the selected folder is taken out to the Path field. Then it’s necessary to click on the Save As button and keep data in the file of the configuration IDAPI32.CFG.
For creating the structure of the table of database a command with the File/New/Table menu is selected, the type of the Paradox 7 table is set and the name of the first field is put, its type is set by the choice from the list after pressure the carriage space key, the field size is put if necessary. In order the sorting of information was carried out on this field it is necessary to press any alphabet-numeral key in the key column. Next fields are put by analogy. For every field it is possible to set additional limitations, for example, maximal and minimum meanings of these fields, etc. In the end the Save As command is chosen, the way by Alias is set, the file name is put and preserved. It is possible to enter or edit data directly in the Database Desktop environment if necessary, but mostly Database Desktop is used only for creating the structure of table.
Tables of database of the NeoLog program
The basic file of database of the NeoLog program is called Words.db and has the following structure:
Field NameTypeSizeKey