Англійські неологізми
Euphemisms-neologisms functioning in different subject – conceptual spheres where the moral factors of tabu and euphemistic replacement act and they are formed with the help of all typical for English language semantical and formal means.Having looked at different models of the formation of the semantical neologisms it is possible to make certain conclusion. Semantical transfers serve as the means of strengthening of expression of the vocabulary at the expense of new formed more expressed lexical units – synonyms to already existent neutral words. The amount of neologisms on different topical groups depends on the development intensity of the corresponding kinds of people’s activity and on the degree of changes in the way of life of the society. It is worth mentioning that for the last time it gets more complicated to separate exactly terminological and current vocabulary as the wide usage of everyday technique is followed by the penetration of the great amount of the technical words in the everyday vocabulary. Popular-science TV-programs and articles of media also help the appearance of diffusion of words into the everyday colloquial speech. In general, according to the laws of language development there exist mechanisms which regulate the addition and anewing of the vocabulary thanks to the semantical innovations, supporting them in corresponding activity. Some of the new meanings of the old words become an integral part of the language, the others can find the resistance in the language usage.
Description of the software product
One of the basic stages of linguistic modelling of the text is the creation of a dictionary. In the ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 system two types of dictionaries intended for the user are foreseen. For "operative work" user dictionaries that can be enriched, are used (that is the dictionaries created by the user directly during the work with ABBYY Lingvo 8.0). Dictionaries of the other type, that are in rich positions of marking (similar to the systematical dictionaries) it can be created by the compiler of the DSL language but they support the operative addition in the session with ABBYY Lingvo 8.0
Beginning with the Lingvo 6.0 version, the compiler of the DSL language is included in the complement of the system (Dictionary Specification Language). The Compiler Dslcomp.exe is in the root directory Lingvo. The compiler allows to create the dictionaries which can be put on the shelf of Your Lingvo system, to pass for the use to your colleagues and friends or even to offer the whole concord of Lingvo users. Thus the authors of user dictionaries have at their disposal the same positions of formatting the cards, as well as the creators of the Lingvo system dictionaries.
Unlike those dictionaries, which it is possible to create operatively and fill up directly from the Lingvo system, the dictionary in the DSL language is created in an external text processor, and then is compiled.
The initial text of the dictionary must be written as simple text file. The text in the dictionary is needed to be saved in ANSI-code or as Unicode Text, and then to change the expression of the file on dsl (for example, in Microsoft Explorer).
The dictionary in the DSL language is the sequence of cards. Each card consists of the title (title word or combination of words) and the text of the card. At the use of the dictionary in the LINGVO system the title is shown in the List of Title Words, and the text of the card (together with the title) is given out in the window of the card as a translation or interpretation.
A card in the DSL language has such structure:
1.A word - title. It is written from the first position of a new line. In the title of the card there can be the alphabetical symbols of English and Ukrainian languages, the figures gap, hyphen, '," and {} - it is used for the distinguishing in the title of the part, that is not assorted.
2.The body of the card. It is written down from the next line after a title. Every line in it must retreat from the first position at one gap or tabulation at least. The body of the card reaches the title of the next card (the feature of it is the symbol in the first position, different from the gap or tabulation) or to the end of the file.
The following areas can be selected in the card:
•labels (by request);
•translation section;
•comment section (by request);
•example section (by request);
•pictures or sound (by request);
•references to web-pages (by request).
If the body of the card is very long, it is possible to decrease the amount of the information, that is simultaneously represented on the screen. For this purpose the part of the card (for example, word combination with the word - title) is marked as the second reflection and is shown, only if the user wishes it. As the second reflection any fragment of the card can be set (except of the title); the amount of such fragments also can be free. Presently the Lingvo shell at the show of the second reflection uses the type font of the other color.