Модель покрокового навчання писемного мовлення за психолінгвістичною моделлю висловлювання
To solve a problem by proving/ disproving ideasSD
To solve a problem by working out new ideasSD
Таблиця 3 може подаватись у супроводі пояснень та, наприклад, таких завдання, спрямованих на затренування цього та попереднього кроків:
9.Review the Table 3. There are 20 variants of the speech types combinations which exist and 5 pure speech types. The abbreviations have already been interpreted.
RA+N, for example, means that you intend to prove an idea/ ideas using some elements of narration as examples, arguments, etc. RA, in this case, is the main speech type and N is an additional one.
It is often preferable in creative writing to combine speech types as this way you have greater possibilities to express yourself and to consider your topic in full measure.
The topic you have chosen, can be considered in many different ways, on the basis of different purposes and objects, due to the result you intend to get. Sometimes it is very useful to try different purposes for a topic to realize how to deal with the task best, which speech types to combine.
10.Let’s play with the topics you have chosen. First, reread your ideas for purpose(s) and object(s), think of some information which can go into the text. Now decide how your topic, purpose and object can be formulated if you choose other speech types. For example, going back to the topic ‘Marriage’, which some of you might have chosen, we can take following main purpose/ object pairs and consequently speech types: