Зворотний зв'язок

Лексичні та синтактико-стилістичні зміни в сучасній англійській мові: вплив комп’ютерних технологій

Most of the scholars distinguish among the literary vocabulary

Common literary words;

Terms and learned words;

Poetic words;

Archaic words;

Barbarisms and foreign words;

Literary coinages including nonce-words.

The colloquial vocabulary falls into the following groups:

Common colloquial words;



Professional words;

Dialectal words;

Vulgar words;

Colloquial coinages.

The Standard English vocabulary consists of common literary, neutral, and common colloquial words.

Common literary words are mostly used in writing and in polished speech.

The object of this paper is common colloquial vocabulary as it is considered to be a part of Modern Standard English and is constantly replenished by special colloquial vocabulary.

A lot of words from non-standard colloquial vocabulary are gradually losing their non-standard character and becoming widely recognized. However, they do not lose their colloquial association.

E.g.: guy (young man).

1.2.1.The Notion of Slang, Jargon, and Techspeak

The term slang is extremely vague and ambiguous. There are a lot of distinctions of it but none of them is specified exactly. It is presented both as a special vocabulary and as a special language. So, in most of the dictionaries sl. (slang) is used as a convenient stylistic notation for a word or a phrase that cannot be specified more exactly.

Jargon is a recognized term for a group of words that exists in almost every language and whose aim is to preserve secrecy within a social group of people. The most well-known jargons in English are: the jargon of thieves, generally known as cant; the jargon of jazz musicians etc.

Some American linguists refer to informal language as slang and reserve the term jargon for the technical vocabularies of various occupations. Some linguists consider slang to be regional, and jargon – social in character.


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