Зворотний зв'язок

Відображення філософсько-лінгвістичної концепції Толкіна у "Чоловічку з Місяця"

017: ўis ilke mon vpon heh whener he were

018: wher he were y þe mone boren ant yfed

019: He leneþ on is forke ase a grey frere

020: þis crokede caynard sore he is adred

021: Hit is mony day go þat he was here

022: ichot of is ernde he naþ nout ysped

023: He haþ hewe sumwher a burþen of brere

024: þarefore sum hayward haþ taken ys wed

025: Yef þy wed ys ytake bring hom þe trous

026: sete forþ þyn oþer fot stryd ouer sty

027: We shule preye þe haywart hom to vr hous

028: ant maken hym at heyse for þe maystry

029: Drynke to hym deorly of fol god bous

030: ant oure dame douse shal sitten hym by

031: When þat he is dronke ase a dreynt mous

032: þenne we schule borewe þe wed ate bayly

033: ўis mon hereþ me nout þah ich to hym crye

034: ichot þe cherl is def þe del hym todrawe

035: ўah ich 3e3e vpon heþ nulle nout hye

036: þe lostlase ladde con nout o lawe

037: Hupe forþ hubert hosede pye

038: ichot þart amarscled into þe mawe

039: ўah me teone wiþ hym þat myn teh mye

040: þe cherld nul nout adoun er þe day dawe

[12] Це відбито у "Сні літньої ночі" Шекспіра.


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