Business English
375 00 250 „ „ men's, medium
493 75 250 „ „ „ small
431 25
F.O.B. Liverpool 1,675 00 Freight
50 20 Insurance
18 30
1,743 50
We will be able to ship the raincoats within 2-3 weeks of receiving your order.
We are grateful to you for your suggestion concerning an ultra-lightweight coat for the Indian market, and are pleased to inform you that we have been looking into the question of a suitable material for some time now. Our
Research Department assure us that they will have a model ready in the very near future, and we will come back to the matter as soon as we have some definite news for you.
We are enclosing full details of our terms of business, and have sent you by separate post a set of descriptive brochures of our products, and a supply of sales literature.
We look forward to hearing from you again.
Yours faithfully
[5] From a manufacturer to a large retailer
Manufacturers of Plasticware Melox House
RBG/hk 12 January 1978
Messrs. L. Thoms & Son
150 Beachview Avenue
Bournemouth H77 60P
Dear Sirs
We are very pleased to have your enquiry, and are enclosing the price-list you requested, together with our terms of sale.
As you have evidently realized, plastic kitchenware Is here to stay -it has already ousted heavy and expendable metal, glass and china from the modern kitchen. Dealere who have displayed our brightly coloured range have reported good sales even in the present season, when hardware sales are usually at their lowest.