Зворотний зв'язок

Технологія навчання іншомовного матеріалу

2. They … having breakfast.

3. I … reading a book now.

4. Nick … learning a poem now.

5. John and Kitty … singing a song now.

в) Трансформація ЗМ.

1) T: Transform the following sentences into the Present Continuous Tense.

T: Every day Bill goes to school.

P1: He is going to school now.

T: Every day the children play with toys.

P2: They are playing with toys now.

T: I usually dance at birthday parties.

P3: I'm dancing now.

2) Make the following sentences negative.

T: I am sleeping now.

P1: I am not sleeping now.

T: He is drawing a picture.

P2: He is not drawing a picture.

T: We are cleaning the classroom.

P3: We are not cleaning the classroom.

г) Відповіді на різні типи запитань.

Looking at the picture, answer the questions:

- Is the bird flying?

- Is the bird flying or jumping?

- What is the bird doing?

- Is the frog jumping?


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