Лексичні та синтактико-стилістичні зміни в сучасній англійській мові: вплив комп’ютерних технологій
Borrowings are neologisms borrowed from foreign languages. «The distinction should be made between:
Direct adoption of foreign words. Loan-words of this type can undergo different degrees of accommodation or remain unadopted;
Making new words by derivation or composition, including elements of different origin;New derivatives or new compounds created by translation of the lexical unit into another languafe.
A lexical unit created by loan-translation is called a calque.»
(Rayevska : 248)
The last decades of the 20-th century characterized by an intensive development of various sciences, technique, culture, and political life, has brought to Modern English a lot of new formations.
1.1.2.Semantic Extention
Semantic extention is the appearance of new meanings of already existing words in the given language. This process is caused by the following reasons:
Changes in social life of a community;
Changes of objects the names of which are retained;
Terminological use of words by people of various professional groups, where words modify their meaning acquiring a new sense;
Adaptation to special purposes
Many scholars have researched change of word meaning. There are various logical and psychological classifications of its types. Traditional classification is the following:
1)extension of meaning (generalization)
E.g.: hard drive (originally meant only heavy traffic on city roads, now also refers to slow work of a computer);
2)narrowing of meaning (specialization)
E.g.: garage (once meant any safe place, now means specifically a building for housing automobiles);
3)transference of meaning (metaphor and metonymy)
E.g.: He is such a bear ; Black coats walked along the street.
4)Elevation of meaning (amelioration)
E.g.: «minister (now means an important public official, but in earlier times meant merely servant)
(Rayevska : 149)
5)Degradation of meaning (perjoration)
E.g.: vulgar (originally meant happy)
Semantic extension is one of the most important ways of enlarging the vocabulary.