Зворотний зв'язок

Методична розробка уроку англійської мови по темі "Environment Protection”

What is this life, if full of care

We've no time to stand and state,

No time to see when woods we pass

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight .

Streams full of stars like skies at night.

A poor life this is, full of care,

We've no time to stand and stare.

Really, a poor life this is if we live outside of natural world. Yet, we are constantly destroying our home. And speaking about our smaller brothers, such words as neglection and destruction can be used.

As all the representatives of our conference are members of the Green Peace movement, let us work out some slogans of our conference.

5. Формулювання девізу й гасел конференції. На дошці малюнки тварин й птахів із червоної книги. Слабкі учні одержують картки, подібні карточці № 2.

Well, ladies and gentlemen! I think it's high time to invite an ecologist here. Who wants to act as an ecologist?

6. Повідомлення й коментування цікавих фактів з серії «Екологія й тваринний світ» у формі ігри.

Ні! І am John Brown. I am an ecologist. I have been working in this sphere for 10 years already and I know all its burning problems. Now, I'll give you some interesting facts: By the year 2030 25% of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. A horrible fact, isn't it? What are the main reasons for it?

Робота зі схемою:

Well, the word "pollution" has just been mentioned. And what is pollution? (the answer: it is the contamination of environment, including air, water and land). Speaking about the air we breathe, we also need a specialist, and I want to invite here the manager of a big industrial enterprise. Іt's a big chemical plant.

7. Діалог-розпит. (Таблиці №№ 5 і 6 - на дошці).

Well, we have got an idea of how acid rains form. Lеt's once more enumerate the steps of the formation of acid rains.

8. Монолог-опис явища.

Pollution means the contamination of water. I want you to relax for some minutes. Listen to these sounds.

9. Запис звуків океанського прибою, крику чайок.

Are these sounds familiar to you? Of course, these are the sounds of the ocean, the great, significant ocean!

Some specialists on the problems of the ocean are present at our conference. Let's invite one of them with a report.

10. Монолог-повідомлення фактів.


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