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We study anatomy. Tibetan medicine


The principal parts of our body are the head, the trunk and the limbs. We have the upper and tower limbs. They are our arms and legs.

The head consists of the skull and the face. On the face we can see the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the ears, the mouth and the chin.

The mouth has two lips. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate. Our neck connects the head with the trunk. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen. In the chest the principal organs are the heart, the lungs and the gullet. In the abdominal cavity we have the principal organs, such as the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder and the bladder.

Our skeleton supports, the soft parts and protects the organs, from injury. It is covered with muscles. The shoulders connect our arms with the chest. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. We have four lingers and a thumb on each hand.

The 1eg consists of the hip (the thigh), the knee, the calf, the ankle and the foot. Our body is covered with the skin.

Ми вивчаємо анатомію

Головними частинами нашого тіла є голова, тулоб, кінцівки. У нас є верхні та нижні кінцівки. Це наші руки та ноги.

Голова складається з черепа і обличчя. На обличчі є чоло, очі, ніс, щоки, вуха, рот та підборіддя.

Рот має 2 губи. В роті є ясна з зубами, язик та піднебіння. Наша шия поєднує голову та тулуб. Верхньою частиною тулуба є грудна клітка, а нижньою є черевна порожнина. В грудній клітці головними органами є серце, легені та стравохід. В черевній порожнині головними органами є такі як, шлунок, печінка, селезінка, кишки, нирки, жовчний міхур та сечовий міхур.

Наш скелет підтримує м’які частини тіла та захищає органи від пошкоджень. Він покритий м’язами. Плечі з’єднують наші руки з грудною кліткою. Рука складається з верхньої частини руки та передпліччя, ліктя, зап’ястка та кисті руки. Нога складається з стегна, коліна, ікри ноги, щиколотки і ступні. Наше тіло покрите шкірою.

1.What are the main parts of our body?

2.What parts does the head consist of?

3.What connects the head with the trunk?

4.Our skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury, doesn’t it.

5.Do the shoulders connect our arms with the chest or with our legs?

6.What does the leg consist of.


Among the “external” reasons causing diseases. Tibetan medicine singled out food in particular. According to Chjud-shi, food formed in the human organism a "nutritive juice" which develops in 7 subse¬quent stages (including the state of the blood) in the course of 7 days. The task of Tibetan doctor was to "compress" this period as much as possible. The treatise says that some medicines can restore a sick organism to health in one day.

A Tibetan doctor had to retain in his memory information that takes up 22 500-page volumes of modern text. His senses —vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch —had tobe extremely fine. The-ancient medics used them instead of a modern diagnostic laboratory.

An experienced diagnostician, says the treatise, can differentiate between 400 different "hues" of pulse. The pulse is felt by the doctor on the radial arteries of the patient's arms with the second, third and fourth fingers of both hands. Each finger obtained information from one to six of the main human organs — the heart, liver, both kidneys, lungs and the gastro-intestinal tract.


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