11. From late 1980-s and for some future
XX-1. Baltic region - Lithuanian zone
Number of cycles – 2.
Number of subperiods -
1st cycle - 4 subperiods:
1. Stage 1. From ancient times until early VIII century AD
1. Stage 2. From VIII until early XI century
1. Stage 3. From early XI until mid XIII century
2. From mid XIII century until 1386
3. From 1386 to 1462
4. Stage 1. From 1462 to 1569
4. Stage 2. From 1569 to 1650-s
4. Stage 3. From 1650-s until 1795
2nd cycle - 3 subperiods:
1. From 1795 to 1920
2. From 1920 to 1991
3. From 1991 and for some future
XX-2. Baltic region - Latvian-Estonian zone
Number of cycles – 2.
Number of subperiods -
1st cycle - 3 subperiods:
1. Stage 1. From ancient times up until early VIII century AD
1. Stage 2. From VIII until early XIII century
2. Stage 1. From early XIII century until 1370-s
2. Stage 2. From 1370-s until 1550-s