Number of cycles - 2
Number of subperiods -
1st cycle - 14 subperiods of socio-cultural evolution within the Barbarian-Nomadic SCS; as from 15 century it's a part of the Crimean Khanate
2nd cycle - 4 subperiods:
1. From early XVIII century until 1791
2. From 1791 to 1917
3. From 1917 to 1991
4. From 1991 and for some future
IX. Western Ukrainian region
Number of cycles - 1
Number of subperiods - 12:
1. From ancient times up until 9 century AD
2. From IX until mid XI century
3. From mid XI century until 1160-s
4. From 1160-s to 1380
5. From 1380 to 1660
6. From 1660 to 1770
7. From 1770 to 1815
8. From 1815 to 1860
9. From 1860 to 1918
10. From 1918 to 1945
11. From 1945 to 1991
12. From 1991 and for some future
X. White-Russian (Belarus) region
Number of cycles - 1