Зворотний зв'язок

Нові форми залучення громадян до державного управління: підходи американських авторів

17.Thomas J.C. Op.cit. - P. 10.

18.Marshall E.M. Jump-Starting America. The Grass-Roots Revolution. - Branson, Massouri: Grass-Roots Press, 1995. - P. 1.

19.Ibid. - P. 2.

20.Ibid. - P. 2-3.

21.Ibid. - P. 4.

22.Ibid.- P. 10-11.

23.Ibid. - P. 12.

24.Ibid. - P. 16.

25.Ibid. - P. 17.

26.Ibid. - P. 18.

27.Ibid. - P. 23-27.

28.Ibid. - P. 187-188.

29.Brudney J.L. Fostering Volunteer Programs in the Public Sector. Planning, Initiating and Managing Voluntary Activities. - San Francisco etc.: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990. - P. 1-3, 192-196.

30.Thomas J.C. Op.cit. - P. 35-40.

31.Ibid. - P. 41.

32.Ibid. - P. 42-58.

33.Ibid. - P. 67.

34.Ibid. - P. 153.

35.Gormley W.T. The representation revolution: Reforming state regulation through public representation // Administration and Society. - 1986. - №18. - P. 187.

36.Scavio С. The use of participative mechanisms by large U.S. cities // Journal of Urban Affairs. - 1993. - №15. - P. 99.

37.Sharp E.B. Urban Politics and Administration: From service delivery to economic development. - New York etc.: Longman, 1990. - P. 85-86.

38.Sharp E.B. Citizen demand-making in the urban context. - University, Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 1986. - P. 116-118.

39.Whitaker G.P. Coproduction: Citizen participation in service delivery // Public Administration Review. - 1980. - №40. - P. 243.

40.Scavio С. Op.cit. - P. 102.

41.Thomas J.C. Op.cit. - P. 157-158.


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