earrings - сережки; dukachi necklet of gold and silver coins - намисто із золотих та срібних монет; pin and needle case - коробка для голок;
timberbox - шкатулка; chain - ланцюг; top popular - найбільш популярний; embroidery - вишивання; to decorate the interior of the house - прикрашати інтер’єр будинку; holy picture - образ; wall hanging - настінний килим; runner – доріжка; the main appeal of - головна привабливість;
rural - сільський; ethnographic area - етнографічна зона;
present-day - сучасний; hut - хата; store-house - стодола;
workshop - майстерня.
Answer the following questions:
1. What handicrafts are the Ukrainians famous for? 2. What is folk art closely connected with? 3. What are the most common ornamental motifs in Ukrainian folk art? 4. What does the main appeal of the Ukrainian kilim carpet lie in? 5. Where are special art schools and enterprises? 6. Where can one find expositions and permanent collections of pieces of Ukrainian folk art? 7. What kind of museum lives an idea of Ukrainian folk architecture and rural life? 8. What ethnographic areas were formed at the beginning of the 20-th century in the present-day western part of Ukraine?
The Hutsuls are a small ethnic sub-group of the Ukrainians who live in the Eastern Carpathians. They lived isolated in the mountains and developed quite distinctive crafts and forms of their own. Thick forest gave them logs for buildings and for wood-carving, sheep gave them wool for clothes and leather for their boots, bags and belts and they made colourful hand-painted pottery of local clays. Some of the peasant craftsmen achieved a high level of artistry.
The wooden buildings are perhaps among the Hutsuls greatest achievements. Here we find a craftsman’s deep understanding of the qualities of his material and a keen sense of proportion. 'The log house with its long verandah under one side of a wide overhanging roof is typical for the Hutsuls. In olden times there was also a log fence enclosing the front yard.
The Hutsul1s churches have always been planned like a cross and have a tent-roofed tower. There are many remarkable variations, but this is the typical Hutsul church.
The fame of the Carpathian wood-carvers since long has spread well beyond their mountains. This craft grew out of the peasant's natural desire to decorate the things he used. Simple at first the carvings became gradually more artistic and Hutsul carvers started using different inlays - wood, horn, metal, mother-of-pearl.
Jewellery was, however, one of their most ancient crafts. Metal, mostly brass, was important for decorating their traditional dress, leatherwear, weapons, tobacco pipes and other things.
Their decorative towels, table-cloths , rugs and coverlets with the characteristic pattern and embroidery are done in warm colours.
Then there are the famous fluffy lizhnik rugs and kilim carpets which are still made in large numbers. Several crafts -weaving, embroidery, metal and leather work - come together in wonderful harmony to make Hutsul costume.
ethnic sub-group - етнічна підгрупа; isolated - ізольований;
distinctive - особливий; colourful, hand-painted pottery - яскрава кераміка,
розмальована вручну; local clay - місцева глина;
to achieve a high level of artistry - досягнути високого рівня художнього
виконання; deep understanding of the qualities of his material – глибоке
розуміння якості матеріалу; a keen sense of proportion - гостре чуття
пропорцій; log house - зруб; overhanging roof - звислий дах;to spread well beyond - поширитися далекo від ...; since long – здавна;