The contents
It is the fourth communication line between carriers of economic interests and state regulation of economy: carriers (in this case interested firms) – expressers (unions of the businessmen) – advice at state regulating bodies. On this line there is an updating of interests of a private enterprise to interest others social, professional, public (for example, ecological) groups.
There are numerous opportunities of influence of carriers and expressers of economic interests on state economic politics: through bodies of the mass information, demonstration and manifestation, tax of the signatures, manipulation in courts - from local up to international, campaign of civil disobedience.
Feedback between state regulation of economy and carriers of economic interests rather rigid.
First, the success of state regulation of economy is shown in rates of growth, improvement of structure of economy, growth of employment, healthy payment balance, decrease of rates of inflation, increase of a vital level.
Secondly, the successes of state regulation of economy are reflected in parameters which are not always given in to exact quantitative measurement: in a level of social intensity (strike, demonstrations, various performances), estimation of state regulation of economy by mass media, condition of an environment, quality of life in cities.
Thirdly, carriers of economic interests are direct and through the associations supported or do not support government. The loss of trust of the voters and associations of economic interests to a ruling party or parties is a main line of a feedback between state economic politics and carriers of economic interests.
The bodies of state regulation of economy can not afford to find out reaction of carriers of economic interests to a general orientation and concrete measures of state economic politics during choices, to wait, when the discontent by an economic situation starts. The extreme forms (strike, flight of the capital). The operative information, whenever possible authentic forecasts the behaviour of the economic subjects is necessary to governmental bodies in case of realisation of this or that measure of state regulation of economy. For this purpose there is a fulfilled mechanism as biographical interrogations. Through a biographical method the efficiency of toolkit budget, a special way of regulation, influence of state purchases and orders, investments in public sector are investigated. This method has turned out to be the working tool of state regulation of economy ensuring a feedback between regulating bodies and carriers of economic interests.So, it was the ideal picture of dependence of state regulation of economy from economic interests, mechanism of this dependence and feedback. In real life weight of rejections from model - is observed there is a struggle between separate groups of interests for influence on bodies of regulation, a wide circulation has received these method, the facts of corruption in bodies of state economic politics in the various countries are known. But the mechanism of state regulation of economy functions all the same not on rejections, but by rules.
The objects of state regulation of economy are spheres, branches, regions, and also situations, phenomenon and condition of social economic life of the country, where have arisen or there can be difficulties, problems not permitted automatically or permitted in a long-term future, while the removal of these problems urgently is necessary for normal functioning of economy and maintenance of social stability.
The basic objects of state regulation of economy is:
Business cycle;
Sectors, branch and regional structure of a economy;
Conditions of accumulation of the capital;
The money reference(manipulation);
Payment balance;
The prices
Research also is skilled - design works having by the purpose development and realisation of scientific ideas;
Conditions of a competition;
The social attitudes(relations), including the attitudes(relation) between the employers and working on hiring, and also social maintenance;
Preparation and retraining of the staff;