Direct onomatopoeia.
2. It sometimes amused outsiders to see snow removal groups, plow blades down, blowers roaring, on a hot, sunny day.
Direct onomatopoeia.
3. “Krr – krr – krr – ki – ki – ki – krr.” “Damn!” said Christine concisely. Only one motor horn in Aberalaw could sound like that.
A. J. Cronin
Direct onomatopoeia. The author imitates natural sound of the horn of the car.
1. Heavily, like a dying man, he took stock of them: his patients, gathered, despite the fine summer evening, to pay tribute to his manner, his personality.
A. J. Cronin
The author sets side by side two analogous phrases: “his manner, his personality” in order to reinforce the point.
2. Mel, airport general manager – lean, rangy, and a powerhouse of disciplined energy – was standing by the Snow Control Desk, high in the control tower.
3. He spoke very angrily and pitterly, and looked straight ahead while he talked.
E. Hemingway
1. Here she would sit, sewing and knitting, while he worked at the table.
A.J. Cronin
The author uses a purposeful reversal of the natural order of words with a view to heightening their effect.
2. With all this behind them surely they would not starve.
A.J. Cronin
3. Gone now was his pretence of indifference.
A.J. Cronin
1. “A diputation from the Committee, five of them, including Ed Chenkin, and escorted by Parry – you know, the Sinai minister – and a man Davies.”