A Traveler's Guide to Moscow
| | |lose this: |the score. Fares|
| | |you'll be |are agreed upon |
| | |expected to |before you get |
| | |turn it in |in. The best bet|
| | |along with a |is to hire a car|
| | |new one when |and driver for |
| | |you depart. |your stay. |
| | |-Visas: The |-Money: Many |
| | |Russians |places take |
| | |remain very |rubles instead |
| | |strict about |of hard |
| | |visas. Be sure|currency, but |
| | |that all your |the $ is quickly|
| | |dates coincide|becoming |
| | |with those on |Russia's |
| | |your visa. |unofficial |
| | | |currency. So |
| | | |it's good to |
| | | |carry some |
| | | |greenbacks. |
|Restaurants |Golden Ostap | | |
|Since the |A traditional | | |
|Soviet Union |Georgian | | |
|crumbled, |restaurant that| | |
|Moscow has seen|also offers a | | |