Kurzeme Leasure Hotels
Several country houses in Ventspils vicinity offer accommodation with breakfast, a bath house and recreation in nature.
|Country | | | | | | |
|houses | | | | | | |
|“Ozoli” |Bl?zma, |36 |5 -8 Ls |2 place |8 |Fishing, sauna, boats rent |
| | |75398 |(room) | | | |
|“Egl?ji” |J?rkalnes |36 |4 – 10 Ls |1;2;3 |20 |Fishing, sauna, boats rent,|
| |pag. |97187 |(personal) |place | |tents place, |
|“Mui?kalni|J?rkalnes |36 |8 Ls (place |4 place |4 |Sauna, food services |
|” |pag. |97124 |with | | | |
| | | |breakfast ) | | | |
|“Kal?ji” |Zl?ku pag.|6521659|2.50 Ls |2 place |8 |Boats rent, fire place, |
| | | |(place | | |sauna |
|“Balo?kaln|Puzes pag.|36 |30 Ls (with |2 place |4 |food services, boats rent, |
|i” | |74580 |sauna) | | |fire place, sauna |
| | |9361792| | | | |
|“L??i” |J?rkalnes |9364347|9 Ls |differen|8 |Sauna, introduction with |
| |pag. | |(place with |t | |different places |
| | |2990395|breakfast | | | |
Out-door entertainment
At sunny week-ends local residents and visitors of Ventspils like to walk down Ostas street along the River Venta; other popular places are the fountain “Boats of The Sun” and the tidy and modern city centre. During summers the most popular spot is the city beach, that has been awarded the
Blue Flag. The city parks and squares are nice places for having a chat.
Some people might love to have good time at the skate-park, but children gather at the Children’s Town (the Children’s Recreation park).