Stylistic Features of Oscar Wilde’s Wrightings
Stylistic Features of Oscar Wilde’s Wrightings
Chapter 1
Oscar Wilde as a Brilliant Dramatist of His Time
Chapter 2
Investigation Proper
1.Some notes on style and stylistics
2.Lexical EMs and SDs
3.Syntactical Ems and SDs
General Conclusions
Linguists pay considerable attention to the means of expressing emphasis. The object of stylistic analysis is the language in the process of its usage.
The approach to the language material and the subject of stylistics and the subject of stylistics is of our concern in this diploma paper.
As it is known stylistics treats with special means of the language that help us to have vivid and interesting speech.
I will not go into details with regards to lots of expressive means and stylistic devices in Oscar Wilde’s plays as they are too many.
My concern is the analysis of those stylistic devices and expressive means which are capable of making utterances emotionally coloured.I take only those stylistic devices which are based on some significant point in an utterance whether it consists
of one sentence or a string of sentences.
Usually the effect of stylistic devices exceeds the bounds of one sentence and the investigation touches upon the features of speech.
My diploma paper deals with those stylistic devices which are more often used in the plays, according to the table of frequency of their usage given by me at the end of the diploma paper.
The difference between stylistic devices and expressive means is not large, they are closely connected with each other. The division of things into expressive means and stylistic devices is purely conventional with the borders between them being somewhat shaky.
Stylistic expressive means have a kind of radiating effect. They noticeably colour the whole of the utterance no matter whether they are logical or emotional. They reproduce the author’s thoughts and feelings and make the reader to think and feel what the author wants him to think and feel.
The initial task of my diploma paper is to specify the subject of investigation. It is the means of emphasis.