Зворотний зв'язок

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- You make me feel as if I hadn’t done my duty for you.

- I naturally expected they’d see to all that at school.

- I felt I’d never do any thing bad again.

- I made up my mind I wouldn’t ever be made a fool of again.

- When I’ve seen you go into an empty room…

3. Навчання діалогічного мовлення на основі діалога-зразка. Удосконалення фонетичних навичок та навичок синхронного перекладу.

Драматизація розмови між Джулією і сином.

4. Розвиток монологічного мовлення у зв’язку з прочитаним.

а) Перевірка розуміння змісту за допомогою питань.

T: Give laconic answers to the following questions:

- Did Julie know the inner world of her son?

- Why did she want to work him at law?

- What was her attitude towards her son?

- What was the crucial moment in Roger’s life?

- Why did he want to become a priest?

б) Навчальна бесіда в режимі “Teacher-Class”

T: share your thoughts and views on the following:

- Are such families an exception? Don’t you think that many families live in the atmosphere of make-believe?

- Why is the atmosphere of make-believe stifling?

- Julia said: “You make me feel as if I hadn’t done my duty to you.” Why do you think the duty of a mother is towards her children. Did Julia do her duty to Roger?

- Roger told his mother that he wanted reality. It is easy to live in the real world? Is the world of make-believe or reality easier for you?

в) Висловлювання студентів з використанням логічно-структурної схеми.

T: Say everything you can about Julie. What impressed you in her? What kind of person is she? Use the following scheme when speaking of Julie. What do you think it was that distinguished her from other people?

г) Визначення стилістичних особливостей твору та ставлення автора до героїні.

T: What qualities do you think the author appreciates in Julie and what not?


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