Будівельні споруди
Parthenon [pa:θənz]
Athens [æθənz]
Egypt [i:dз'pt]
Ancient [ein∫nt]
Queen [kwi:n]
China [t∫ainə]
What do you they mean?
So what is the English for:
Фараони (pharaohs)
Єгипет (Egypt)
Давній (ancient)
Китай (China)
б) Вправи «True or false»
T. And now listen to my sentences attentively.
If it is true - clap you hands, if it is false - sit still:
The Piramids were houses for dead pharaohs (+)
The Ancient Greeks built the Parthenon in Egypt (-)
Stonehenge is a magic circle (+)
Kings in China built the Great Wall (-)
в) “Finish my sentences”
T. And now you task will be to finish my sentences:
- The Parthenon is au old building called… (Acropolis)
The Ancient Greeks built the Parthenon… (2.400 y. ago)
Prisoners in China built the Great Wall… (2.100 y. ago)